NCCEH eNews - January 2015
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Tap into NCCEH drinking water resources

Safe and secure drinking water is an important part of any Canadian community. The NCCEH has produced various resources on drinking water, including evidence reviews, presentation materials, and guidelines.
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• Community water fluoridation in Canada – Trends, benefits, and risks
• Review of guidelines for shock chlorination in private wells
• Understanding microbial indicators for drinking water assessment


• Water-borne disease outbreaks in Canadian small drinking water systems
• Exploring alternatives to regulating small drinking water systems
• Environmental health and inequalities: Evidence and action


• List of federal, provincial, and territorial guidelines related to drinking water in Canada
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• New NCCEH evidence review: Health effects of oil spills and implications for public health planning and research
• As of December 2014, CIPHI’s list of professional development opportunities that have been pre-approved for credit in the CPC program will include NCCMT’s online learning modules


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