NCCEH eNews - October 2016
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Fires, Floods, and Bugs: How Climate Change Impacts Drinking Water

Presented at CIPHI's 82nd Annual National Educational Conference last month, this slideshow gives a brief overview of research of how climate change is affecting stream and river water quality, primarily through changes in precipitation patterns, wildfires, infestation by the mountain pine beetle, and how these affect forested watershed hydrology and water quality. The presentation slides are now available for download.

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Review of Guidelines for Shock Chlorination in Private Wells

Microbial contamination of groundwater from private wells poses a significant health risk to Canadians. Shock chlorination is important for both health protection and well maintenance, but users remain vulnerable to pathogens when shock chlorination is performed improperly, and when it is used to the exclusion of other well protection strategies.

Flint Water Crisis: Can It Happen in Canada?

In January 2016 a US federal state of emergency was declared in Flint Michigan due to elevated lead concentration in the city’s drinking water. This presentation, given at CIPHI's 82nd Annual National Educational Conference, provides an overview of the Flint lead crisis and how regulation was insufficient to protect public health given human error and omission.

Understanding Microbial Indicators for Drinking Water Assessment

The presence of microbial indicators in drinking water does not necessarily mean that there is a public health risk. This guide is meant to assist environmental health officers interpret laboratory results and make a more informed decision regarding whether or not to intervene.

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Environmental Health Needs Assessment Survey
The NCCEH is looking for your input to help us anticipate emerging environmental health issues, identify knowledge gaps relevant to your practice, and determine the most effective means of presenting our information products. Survey closes November 15.

The Ron de Burger Student Award
• Our Student Project Award has been renamed in honor of NCCEH advisory board member Ron de Burger, and we are once again accepting submissions from environmental and public health students through the 2016-17 academic year.

Featured Event
• Alongside the National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy (NCCHPP), the NCCEH will be co-presenting Public Health Ethics: A Case in Environmental Health on November 29. The webinar will feature a case involving radon and will highlight both evidence and ethics.

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Recent Publications

Critical review of health impacts of wildfire smoke exposure
Smoke signals: teasing out adverse health effects of wildfire emissions
Outdoor air pollution and human infertility

Built Environment
A multilevel longitudinal analysis capturing the impact of bicycle sharing on residential sales in Montreal
Land use, transport, and population health: estimating the health benefits of compact cities
Use of science to guide city planning policy and practice
Elevated parks, transforming neighbourhoods, and the ever-changing relationship between the urban and nature

Public health adaptation to climate change in OECD countries
A multilevel analysis to explain self-reported adverse health effects and adaptation to urban heat

Contaminants and Hazards
Glyphosate issue paper: evaluation of carcinogenic potential
Bed bugs and possible transmission of human pathogens
Outdoor and indoor sources of residential radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, personal cell phone and cordless phone use, and cognitive function in 5-6 years old children

Community dinner guidelines
Global burden of foodborne diseases
Microbiological quality and handling practices of ice served in selected downtown Toronto food premises

Practices and Procedures
Environmental health needs assessment for northern Canada
Environmental justice in the environmental non-governmental organization landscape of Toronto

2016 National water and hydraulic fracturing survey
Arsenic in groundwater from domestic wells in northern Alberta
Updated Drinking Water Advisory Communication Toolkit


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