NCCEH eNews - April 2015
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Green Space & Mental Health 

There are many physical and mental health effects associated with exposure to the natural environment and green space. Exposure to green space has, for example, been shown to improve mood both in healthy subjects and non-institutionalized individuals with mental health disorders. We reviewed 32 epidemiological studies to summarize what is known about this emerging topic. 


Risk Factors of Community Acquired MRSA 

In contrast to MRSA acquired in hospital settings, CA-MRSA is present in a wide variety of environments including animal care settings, beaches and recreational waters, athletic facilities, spas and saunas. Our recently released document summarizes the environmental risk factors associated with CA-MRSA. 


Equity Issues in Environmental Health Practice 

​Patterns in the distribution of the social determinants of health (SDH) create inequities in the health of populations and communities. We conducted a pilot study (in conjunction with the NCCDH) to ask public health inspectors to identify SDH factors that impacted their practice. PHIs were also asked about techniques they used to mitigate these factors. 

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